int diameter from Ø 88.90 mm to Ø 97.20 mm – Thickness 3 mm

239.001 819.00 excluding tax

pièces composites epoxy fibre de verre plasticon composites

epoxy / glass-fiber composite parts – Plasticon composites France.


Standard tube manufacturing (thickness = 3 mm) thanks to the filament winding process – glass or carbon fibers – epoxy resin matrix.

The filament winding process consists in winding up resin-soaked fibers (glass fibers, carbon fibers…) on a mandrel, and then polymerizing the structure (heat-induced polymerization in a sterilizer). The winding machines are digitally controlled and guarantee a perfect reproductibility of the fabrications. As a result, what we get are materials with very good mechanical characteristics (high fiber rate : 60 to 75 % by mass) and with the possibility to place the fibers optimally in the direction of the stress to support.

There are 2 kinds of winding, which can be combined during the tube’s fabrication process :
– Hoop Winding : (90-to-85-degree angle in relation to the mandrel’s axis) (”parallel winding”)
– Helical Winding : (80-to-30-degree angle in relation to the mandrel’s axis) (”crossed winding”)

Playing with the number of ”hoop” and ”helix” in the structure of a tube as well as with the given ”crossed” angle, it is possible to optimize the structure according to the stress supported by the part. After polymerization, the finished part is separated from the mandrel during the ”demandrelling” operation.

Here are the different qualities according to the nature of the parts:
– Carbon tubes : polyvalence, high crush and torsional resistance, high continuous use temperature (130°C).
– Hybrid tubes : carbon-glass tubes or carbon-aramid tubes make it possible to combine technicality and design. Advanced material.
– Glass tubes (E-Glass fiber) : glass-fiber tubes are used for applications requiring insulating tubes, capable to resist internal pressures and working environments under high temperature (130° max).

OUR MATERIALS (for standard production) :
– Covers : E-Glass roving – 1200 Tex or high-resistance carbon fiber.
– Matrix : Epoxide resin (bisphenol A type) and hardener (amine type) mixing.

Mechanical characteristics for a fiberglass / epoxy part.
(These values are given honestly and with reservations, they don’t engage our company’s responsibility).

Density = 2 to 2,1 kg/dm3
Tensile strength, longitudinal direction = 12 dN/mm²
Tensile strength, circumferential direction = 70 dN/mm²
Bending tensile strength = 10 dN/mm²
Elastic modulus, circumferential direction = 3500 daN/mm²
Bending elastic modulus = 1500 dN/mm²

Use temperature (C°) = – 50°C to 120°C

Additional information

internal diameter

88.90, 90.50, 92.40, 95, 97.20

reinforcement fiber

glass, carbon

effective length

1000mm, 2000mm, 3000mm


black, natural

external finish

smooth, with TS


no thank you, yes a 45° bevel or a special cutting